Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let it slide...see where it goes, and begin all over again

So....I started a blog, posted once and forgot all about it, pretty typical Liz behavior. I'm scatterbrained and all over the place, I can admit that, I've learned that I have to embrace it or I'll drive myself nuts.

Work is fairly crazy right now. Parker is in and out of the office for short stints of time, I don't think he should be coming in at all yet but he's as stubborn as a mule and there's no telling him otherwise. Trying to get as much as can be accomplished done in the two hours he's in the office is a monumental task. But that's not what you want to read about.

You want drama and excitement, and I'm sorry but you really won't find it here. I'm boring and blah. My life revolves around my son and my husband. I work all day, pick up my son and tend to forget about the rest of the world for a while, hubby gets home and we're happy family for a few hours before bed. I love my life. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I think my life is better now in my eyes because of what I have been through before. Without my past, I wouldn't be who I am in the present. Without my husband, I don't know where I would be to tell you the truth, but I'm sure it wouldn't be pretty, regardless of where I ended up.

I've seen more than my fair share of ugly. From an abusive ex to battling my own demons and drug addictions, I've seen more than I want to ever have to see again. I'd never believe you if you told me 2 years ago where I'd be now and what my life would be like. NEVER in a million years would I had thought I'd have this kind of life.

We're not rich, we're not dirt poor. We live within our means. We're happy. Hell, my husband and I have never had a fight or argument. Our biggest disagreement is what's for dinner. He's my better half, my soul mate and best friend. I don't know where I would be without him, and I'm certain it'd be a dark place for me if I didn't have him. He gave me my son. Ergo, he's the best thing that's still happening to me.

I never wanted to be a parent. I downright hated children until I started my job and started interacting with Miss J. That was almost 4 years ago. When I found out I was pregnant, I freaked out. But after a talk with Miss J (she's pretty smart for a little kid) she told me I'd make an excellent mommy and that really helped to calm my fears about the whole situation. At the time when I found out I was pregnant, I was heading back to a dark place. I was drinking on a regular basis, smoking again, and yes, popping pills again, even knowing that was my downfall and what caused me to start my spiral twice before. But when I found out I was pregnant and having had my talk with Miss J, it was easy to stop. When I realized my husband wasn't going anywhere regardless of the type of person I was, it made me want to be better, for him and our child. I was convinced we were having a girl from the get-go because we both wanted a boy so badly.

So here I am, clean and sober again. Yes I still smoke, and I'm about to work on quitting, and I do have the occasional drink but not to excess. All in all I'd say I'm normal although abnormally happy.

The past 10 months, since my son was born, have flown by. He's huge, he's about to start walking and he's the happiest kid I've ever met in my life. ALWAYS smiling. And looks JUST like his daddy.

So yeah, I have an amazing albeit mundane life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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